





Hopes & Dreams


At St Patrick's C E Primary Academy, we pride ourselves on our inclusivity and we are committed to providing the best possible education to all of our children regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs. We want all children and families to feel fully included and we strive to work with you to support any needs that may arise. We are hugely proud of the diversity within our school community and this is celebrated throughout the school.

Alongside the Graduated Approach, adjustments are made to ensure all children can access a broad and balanced curriculum. As detailed in the SEND Code of Practice we follow the graduated approach of Assess, Plan, Do, Review. We meet the needs of children with special educational needs via a range of targeted interventions and support groups which are constantly reviewed and evaluated to ensure that they have having the desired impact.

Children may need support with the following areas –

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Social, Emotional & Mental Health Issues
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Sensory/ Physical Needs

All children have their own strengths and ways of learning, our job as educators is to work with the child and the family to enhance their strengths and help them achieve their full potential. The child and family views are crucial; no one knows the child better! We hold regular meetings with the family of each child to discuss their views and the child’s views to help us form new targets. Only then can we fully develop and support the whole child and their family.

Through a holistic approach we celebrate the successes all our pupils. Every success is valued and celebrated.

We work with a range of external agencies to help us provide the best support possible for each child. These include -

  • Solihull Specialist Inclusion Support Service (SISS)
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Team
  • The Autism Team
  • Communication and Learning Difficulties Team
  • Sensory and Physical Impairment Team
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • Speech, Language and Communication Disorder Team
  • Occupational Therapy
  • SOLAR (Mental health service)
  • Early Years Support and Assessment Team (EYSAT)
  • Other external agencies

Further details can be found on the Solihull Local Offer website - https://www.solihull.gov.uk/children-and-family-support/localoffer/children-and-young-peoples-send-service

Through working with these professionals we are continually developing our knowledge of SEND as a staff. We are proud of the range of qualifications and training our staff have undertaken and are continually seeking ways to develop this further.

We are also here to offer Social, Emotional and Mental Health support for the children. We have a team of support staff including a Family Support Worker, Mrs Clarke, who supports in school every morning. Mrs Clarke is able to support the children or can speak to the families to offer advice. If further support is needed we would work with our specialist Social, Emotional and Mental Health teacher, Educational Psychologist or Ordinary Magic, a local charity, who run support groups in our school.

We have open door policy and are here to talk through any concerns you may have.

Mrs Jenny Chesshire, our SENDCO, can be contacted on 01564702278 or through email via the office - office@st-patricks-ce.solihull.sch.uk

Solihull Sendias

Solihull Sendias offer a free, confidential and impartial service for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability and their parents and carers. They are legally trained to offer information, advice and support and to help you make informed decisions and to play an active role in your child’s education. They explain SEND processes and procedures in a straight forward language so that everyone knows what to expect and what part they play.


Contact Telephone Number: 0121 516 5173

Email address: solihullsendias@family-action.org.uk

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