





Hopes & Dreams

FS1 Nursery and Rising 3 Admissions

 We appreciate that starting school is a big step for both you and your child and at St. Patrick’s we aim to make this a happy and positive event.  When children start Nursery  they bring with them a wide range of varied experiences.  They have already learnt a great deal, particularly from their families, and the skills that they have already developed provide a firm foundation for their future learning.  The range of activities that we provide are carefully planned to build on what they already know and at St. Patrick’s, we believe that children flourish best when home and school work together to provide the best possible learning experiences.  We look forward to working in partnership with you at the beginning of your child’s learning journey with us.

 Our nursery caters for children age 3-4.  Children can start their journey as a Rising 3 the term after their third birthday (January or April).       

The core hours for nursery and Rising 3s are  8.45am – 11.45am Monday - Friday.  It is important that children attend each morning to ensure they do not miss out on any of their key learning.  Nursery is also available until 2.45pm Monday – Friday.  Afternoon sessions are optional and we can be flexible with the number of full days or afternoon sessions attended.  These sessions can be funded using 30hours funding or can be self-funded.  We also accept childcare vouchers. 

Our Foundation Stage booklet contains lots of useful information for you about our provision, including staffing, curriculum topics, phonics, how we assess and how parents can support learning. 

 How to apply

Applications should be made directly to the school by completing an application form (found on our website or requested from the office office@st-patricks-ce.solihull.sch.uk). It should be completed and returned to the school office:

Parents will be notified of the outcome of their application before the February half term.. If your child is a Rising 3 we will assume you will require the place for the FS1 September nursery intake, you will not need to re-apply. Applications for Rising 3s can be made directly to the school at any point throughout the academic year. A formal rising 3 offer will be sent 2 weeks prior to end of each term.




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