





Hopes & Dreams

Family Support Information

Mrs Ali  is the Family Support Worker here at St Patrick’s. Her role is to offer help and guidance to both parents and children.

She can help with all sorts of issues that might affect your child. She has given advice on sleeping, eating, bedtime routines, changes in the home environment such as bereavement or separation and can also signpost to other organisations that might be able to help.

Within the school, she speaks to children of all ages. They chat about all sorts of issues, such as pets, changes in family circumstances or friendships.

She encourages the children to always speak to an adult about any issues. Finding solutions together and building confidence and self-esteem is also a key part of her role.

If you would like to speak to her, please contact the school office.

Please see the sub sections for advice on useful organisations and links.   Please note that this information has been provided by external sources and St. Patricks C.E. Primary Academy does not accept responsibility for the content.