





Hopes & Dreams

Home learning

Across school, Home Learning is set to support and further develop the learning that takes place each day in school. We encourage parents and carers to play an active role in their child's Home Learning, particularly with respect to Reading.
Foundation Stage

Nursery pupils will be provided with an audio book or a maths game to use at home. These will be changed weekly. Phonics and reading homework will be provided later in the year, when appropriate.
Reception pupils will be provided with school reading books every week. They shall be changed once a week. Your child will be given a home reading diary and we ask that you record what and when you have read with your child. You are more than welcome to leave comments about the books you have read or about how your child read. Children will also be given weekly phonics homework and a range of other activities.


Reading (daily guided reading book, wider readers, library book). Please record the books the children read in their home school reading diary. You may make comments on how they have read if you wish.

Spellings (daily

 The children will be given a short maths facts task daily which will be marked in class the following morning.

Occasionally we will ask the children to complete a short piece of research to support their learning in Humanities, Science, Art, P.E. etc..  We will always give the children at least a week to finish this work.

Home learning should be completed with adult support but should be children’s own learning.

With written homework, please ensure a sharp pencil is used and encourage good presentation.

Each week children in KS2 will complete the following:
  • Reading each day- for most children this will link directly to the reading that is taking place in the classroom. As such, it is essential that children complete reading each evening and bring their book back to school at the start of each day. Parents are asked to read with, or to, their children discussing plots, events, characters and important vocabulary as they do so. Some children will take home X Project or Oxford Reading Tree books to help with their decoding and language comprehension skills.
  • Spellings- all children will bring home spellings which will be tested on a weekly basis. The spellings are linked to the Y3/Y4 and Y5/Y6 spelling lists, with a new spelling pattern being focused on each week. Children will also be asked to learn relevant Common Exception Words to ensure that they are using these confidently and correctly in their independent writing.
  • Bedrock- this is our online GPS/ Reading programme. Children in KS2 are expected to complete Bedrock Learning on alternate nights during the school week.  Teachers check the work completed by pupils in their class each week and recognise the achievement and effort of those children who have met, or exceeded, the expectations for the week.
  • Timetables Rock  -  Timetables Rock Stars focuses on increasing the speed and accuracy of recall of related timetables and division facts. As with Bedrock, the achievement of pupils is recognised by the class teacher. Maths online Home Learning will be set each night during the school week.
  • Each Friday, all children will be given written Home Learning in Maths and English. These will be linked to learning taking in each class.
It is the expectation that all pupils complete the Home Learning that is set by their teachers in Key Stage 2.