





Hopes & Dreams


Please complete the electronic forms on our Weduc App.  These hard copy forms attached can however still be used.

Leave of Absence Requests

Authorised Absences

An authorised absence from school would include illness, a funeral, a music exam (or similar) and medical and dental appointments. We would urge you, however, to book appointments outside of the school day wherever possible to avoid unnecessary disruption for your child.

Unauthorised Absences

There appears to be an increasing trend to take family holidays during term time. There are obviously some advantages, namely:

  • the holidays tend to be cheaper; and
  • holiday destinations are less crowded with other people’s children

There are however some severe disadvantages:

  • your child’s education suffers;
  • lessons are missed;
  • continuity of project work is lost;
  • there is no opportunity for teachers to set additional work or assist a child in catching up on their return from holiday;
  • the class is generally disrupted;
  • you are in breach of your legal obligation to send your child to school.

There is a common misconception that any child is allowed to take 10 days holiday per year in term time.

Requests for holiday absence will be unauthorised, except in exceptional circumstances.

If you are unable to avoid requesting absence during school term, an application must be made to the Head Teacher on the application form available from the school office, no fewer than six weeks before the absence is due to start.

If your request is refused but the child will still be absent from school, the matter will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer and will be noted on the child’s school record.

Any unauthorised absences reflect badly on the school, as well as damaging your child’s education. Please consider this matter very carefully before making a request for absence during term time.


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