





Hopes & Dreams

Food Allergies in School

Food allergies in school
Food allergy is common – on average, most school classes in the UK will have one or two children with food allergy. Schools need to consider how to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction, in line with the statutory guidance Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions. Parents need to work with the school in trying to reduce the potential risks:
 Bottles, other drinks and lunch boxes should be clearly labelled with the name of the child for whom they are intended.
 If food is purchased from the school canteen, parents should check the ingredients of foods by speaking directly to the catering manager.
 Many children of primary school age are able to check with staff and read ingredients labels and one way to help your child learn is to take them shopping with you, and ask them to read ingredients labels to spot the foods they are allergic too.
 Food should not be given to food-allergic children in primary schools without parental engagement and permission (e.g. birthday parties, food treats).
 When planning out-of-school activities such as sporting events, excursions (e.g. restaurants and food processing plants), school outings or camps, think early about the catering requirements for food-allergic children, and emergency planning (including access to emergency medication and medical care).
We are a food allergy aware school.
We can all make efforts to minimise the risk to children with allergies. Whilst appreciating, that we cannot be completely confident that all food items brought in are nut free or that another child has not consumed nuts, before coming into school. We ask you not to send food to school that contains nuts (especially peanuts). This includes all types of nuts, peanut butter, Nutella and food containing nuts.
Thank you for your support in keeping everyone safe and valued.