





Hopes & Dreams

Solihull Parents Network

We have listed links to websites and resources which we feel may be helpful to ensuring we keep our children safe in all areas of their lives.  There is also information on events that are happening in the Solihull Borough.


Developed by CEOPs and internet parenting charity, Parent Zone, Parent Info provides up-to-date, expert information for parents on a range of concerns they may have about children and young people.



Thinkuknow is an award-winning on and offline safety programme for children and young people, professionals and parents that has been developed by the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command.

Delivered through a network of 100,000 qualified professionals across the UK, Thinkuknow provides accurate and informative, age appropriate advice and guidance about relationships, sex and internet safety to help prevent children and young people from becoming victims of abuse or exploitation.

The programme’s innovative and engaging films, cartoons, websites and lesson plans aim to help teachers, youth workers, police officers and health professionals to explore difficult and sensitive issues safely with children and young people.

Resources for parents and carers can be downloaded at  https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents

Please click here to see a short video clip on why it is important to keep your child safe in the virtual world:




Helpful advice and tools you can use to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online.


ChildLine Underwear Rule :https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/underwear-rule/



As an extension to our Personal Social Development lessons within school, we recommend the websites below which cover a wide range of issues that you may find helpful.

Solihull Parents Network:

Sex Education Forum: www.sexedforum@ncb.org.uk

Family Lives: http://www.familylives.org.uk/ 

Eat Well Move More: http://www.nhs.uk/change4life/Pages/change-for-life.aspx 


Think Education

Be Bright Be Seen:  http://think.direct.gov.uk/education/early-years-and-primary/parents/7-to-11s/Be-bright-be-seen/






Talk to Frank

Frank is a national drug education service jointly established by the Department of Health and Home Office of the British government in 2003




Drink Aware

Drinkaware is an independent charity working to reduce alcohol misuse and harm in the UK.




The Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention Information Service (ADEPIS) was developed by the prevention charity Mentor UK as a platform for sharing information and resources aimed at schools and practitioners working in drug and alcohol prevention. ADEPIS is publicly acknowledged as the leading source of evidence-based information and tools for alcohol and drug education and prevention for schools.





 XenZone is a provider of online mental health services for children, young people and adults. Kooth, from XenZone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use.


Solihull Family Information Service


Information on what’s happening in and around the borough for families.






Children's Mental Health



Talking Mental Health:  The Talking Mental Health animation aims to give children: An understanding of what mental health is and the difference between every day small feelings and a big feeling

